Love my New Family

Love my New Family

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holidays are coming

I can't believe it. Thanksgiving is a little over a week away. We still don't have plans..... or a menu... or know if we even need a menu! I don't know where the time has gone, but I'm pretty sure I know what I've been doing!

Amber has become such a big help... I keep forgetting how big she is, but she will get sterling out of his crib and hold him to calm him down... this morning she put his bumpo on the couch and started watching cartoons together while I finished getting ready to take her to school.

Sterling is growing and growing like a weed! He's weighing in at 14 pounds, and loves peas, pears and sweet potatoes! Drooling up a storm, and sometimes fussy... I wish his first tooth would go ahead and poke through I don't like feeling helpless when he's hurting!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I'm apparently the worlds' worst blogger, because I wait 3-4 months between posts! I know you can back date them, to make it look like you are on top of things, but that wouldn't be an accurate picture of our lives!

We obviously had the baby! August 4th 8:01 pm 8 lbs 13 oz 20 inches... I was induced at 8 am, after missing my August 2nd due date.

This is his 2 month check up photos... I don't seem to have any "younger" pics on this laptop.

Now he is 3 months old, teething, weighs 13 lbs and is 24 inches long. We've also already started on rice cereal and slowly introducing baby food because he can't get enough to eat it seems!

business is good... I'm wrapping up a wedding this weekend, and then FINALLY going to take my maternity leave... sort of. I'm spending the last two months of the year enjoying my family for the holidays and planning for 2011. I've got a LOT of things lined up to make my business explode, and I need to take the time to have a planned course of action so I'm not simply reacting all year!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The waiting game

Well, we have had an adventurous few weeks, to say the least! I'm now 16 days till my due date, and basically have begun to ignore the fact that I'm pregnant. When I am waiting for him, I am glued to a timer... or analyzing every little thing to see if it is a "sign"... and its making me bananas!

Poor Morgan has been "grounded" and not being able to travel, even to NWA is starting to make him stir crazy! My mother in law has basically moved here now ( we got a one way ticket here, and no real plans on the future).

Last check, I was 50% and 1 cm... which means nothing. I have days that contractions come non stop, and on schedule... for hours... but they aren't progressing anything! Its been incredibly hot here, the other day it reached 103 with a heat index of 116! Needless to say, I try to stay INside as much as possible!

Amber lost her second front tooth, within 4 days of losing the first one.... so now she's got this awesome toothless smile!

That is all for now, I suppose... I may get up and start walking around the mall or something soon!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Junie B Jones? Junie B CRAZY

Today was Amber and my first day of summer break with no work, no camp, no rules just right!
I did a lot of work for clients between 4:30 and 9:30 this morning, then we headed out to physical therapy and a "surprise" day for her.

Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Tour were making a stop at the Barnes n Noble in Little Rock, and I kept it a secret all day! Once we pulled into the parking lot, she started going nuts!

Of course, we didn't stay for the book signing, as there were WAY too many kids to stand in line for! This was the crowd 15 minutes BEFORE the show even started!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting Ready

We are now 18 days till we are full term. I hope we can make it to 37 weeks... at least by then we could hit 6 pounds or so. Sterling has settled into position, and is making it difficult for me to walk!
I'm officially on "medical leave" - but of course I have weddings in the fall that will keep my brain occupied, so that's good.

We had our baby shower the Friday before Father's Day, and once Morgan returned from Pebble Beach (Yes, he went to the US Open for Fathers Day... jealous?) we started purchasing the leftover items we need for the baby to come. So far, we have the car seat/stroller and the pack and play. Tomorrow we'll go back for the swing and the monitor, and the little things we need along the way. I forgot that Morgan has no real baby experience... and we have been having lessons along the way - how to use the car seat, how to collapse the stroller and use the brakes on it. We have packed the bag for Sterling, and will start working on packing my bag this week.

Amber comes back home tomorrow, and we have missed her like crazy! I can't wait to see her! Next week is going to be all about us getting to spend time together!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Annual Pile Family Vacation!

Thursday was Amber's 8th birthday. Two years ago, we sort of started a trend. Every other year she gets a party, every other year we take a trip. In 2008, we went to the beach for a week - and got married too. The fact that her birthday coincides with Memorial Day weekend, and that we have her only every other Memorial Day also makes this plan make sense!

This year, we brought the WHOLE Pile family with us to Dallas, Texas for 5 days of Fun! The fact that Wendy came was a surprise, until Amber was picked up at school by her. Then Audrey and Scarlett flew into Dallas, and just walked in the room! (of course Amber knew by then, bc Wendy kind of kept talking where Amber could hear her... )

We had a great time, found the most amazing place to go on vacation, and hope to go back alot! Dallas has quickly become my new favorite city (sorry New Orleans....), and We've already learned the tricks - don't go for the weekend.... go during the week when everyone else has to be at work!